Esperienza a lume di candela - Gratteri Sicilia

Discover the magic of Gratteri: a candlelight experience

In the middle of summer, the village of Gratteri invites visitors from all over the world to take part in an event that captures the essence of the past and the magic of the present: Gratteri By Night. This fascinating annual appointment offers the opportunity to explore the evocative village’s streets, lit only by the soft candlelight, turning every corner into a fairy tale setting.

An intimate and romantic atmosphere

The evening begins at sunset, when the sun gives way to night and thousands of candles are lit to guide visitors’ step. Gratteri’s main street, squares and inner courtyards are transformed into a luminous path that invites exploration and discovery. The warm light of candles envelops the village in an intimate and romantic atmosphere, revealing architectural details that often escape sight during the day. The ancient stones of the buildings seem to come alive under the dim lighting, offering a new perspective on the rich history and culture of the place.

Live music and legendary tales

The experience is further enhanced by live music performances that fill the air with evocative melodies, creating a perfect soundtrack for an unforgettable evening. Local artists, with their passion and talent, accompany visitors on an exciting journey, while expert guides tell stories and legend of the village, revealing the secrets keep by Gratteri over the centuries. From the tales of ancient inhabitants to the myths that surround the village, every step is an immersion in living history of this enchanting place.

An appointment not to be missed 

Gratteri by Night is a unique experience that combines beauty, culture and tradition in an event that fascinates and enchants. It is an unmisseable opportunity for those ewho want to live a different evening, away from the modern chaos, immersing yourself in the tranquility and authenticity of a village that, for one night, turns into a theater of lights and emotions. An opportunity to experience a journey through time, in a place where the past and present merge into a magical evening.