Frequently Asked Questions

We have gathered the questions we get most frequently.

During what time of year does Gratteri by Night take place?

Usually, the Gratteri By Night event is held during the month of August, when the streets of Gratteri provide a pleasant setting for long walks.

Is the itinerary pre-established?

Visitors can request a detailed map indicating the location of all thematic corners, allowing them to plan their own customized itinerary and discover each area according to their preferences.

Is Gratteri By Night free of charge?

Yes, participation to the event is free of charge.

Where can I park?

The map provides precise directions to the area dedicated to parking: the Belvedere Ganci Battaglia. This area is easily accessible and located close to the thematic corners, ensuring convenient parking for visitors.

How can I become a sponsor?

If you would like to participate in the event as a sponsor, you can contact us by phone or through the e-mail found in the Contact section.

How can I apply to expose?

If you would like to participate in the event as an expositor of food or craft products of any kind, you can contact us by phone or through the e-mail you find in the Contact section.